Creating pulses based products
Setting up supply chain from chickpeas farmers and product development in fava beans.
De Wilde Boerderij
Creating a new hot spot for farming and horticulture to regenerate and test our cereals farmer skills.
Organic pop-up café
Oat Porridge
Setting the first organic oat
porrigebar making and serving oatflakes on the spot.
Albert de Hollander
I like to create new concepts and bring businesses to a next level, based on my 30 years of experience. I love to get things moving.
If you want to share your marketing ideas with me to create new insights, give me a call or send an email.
Local Fruit is the name of my marketing consultancy company. Named after my first project in creating local sourced fruit for making crushed fruitjuices.
I like to work for passionated entrepreneurs. Food marketing is my playing field. Contributing by changing pending business dreams into reality. That's my goal.